어린이집지원 [영유아발달지원서비스사업] 다문화어 안내어(베트남어, 몽골어, 중국어)
페이지 정보
작성자 관리자 댓글 0건 조회 1,273회 작성일 2021-09-30 16:06첨부파일
- 京畿道婴幼儿发育支援服务중국어 1.pdf (532.4K) 0회 다운로드 | DATE : 2021-09-30 16:06:13
- БАГА НАСНЫ ХҮҮХДИЙН ХӨГЖЛИЙГ ДЭМЖИХ ҮЙЛЧИЛГЭЭ-ний тухай몽골어안내문.pdf (527.6K) 1회 다운로드 | DATE : 2021-09-30 16:06:13
- Dịch vụ hỗ trợ phát triển trẻ em tỉnh Gyeonggi베트남어사업설명.pdf (523.3K) 0회 다운로드 | DATE : 2021-09-30 16:06:13
Recently, many difficulties have been reported due to infants and toddlers at risk of disability (infants who may face difficulties such as delayed development, delayed emotional and social development, or school maladjustment due to problems with children of their age). In response, Gyeonggi-do and Guri-si Child Care Support Center are conducting a "Infant and Infant Development Support Service Project" to support infants and toddlers at risk of disability, so please participate.
Thank you
Responsibility 031) 566-2323 (3)